Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So there i was in the middle of the aquarium, drenched in octopus ink.  It was really kinda silly how i got there, it all started that morning with my alarm going off. It woke me up with a start.  I dont remember what i was dreaming about but i was sweating and really tense.  i sat up in my bed and stretched, twisting left and right.  I hopped out of bed and jumped into the shower.  By the time i got out, i was already 5 minutes behind schedule.... probably would miss the bus if i ate breakfast at home.  I yelled to my mom to throw some bread in the toaster as i scoured my room for clothes to wear.  As i dressed my mom shouted back "you're going on a field trip today, don't forget a...".  The rest of the words were drowned out by the blare of  bus horn at 7 AM in the morning.  I dash down the stairs of my house, jumping  over the last few of them. my mom hands me my toast as i run and i am off to school in no time.  When i arrive my teacher grabs me out of the crowd and leads me onto another bus.  My entire biology class is there and i realize i have a trip to the aquarium today.  When we arrive at the aquarium the first exhibit we look at is the octopus.  There is a lower underwater level and an upper at water level.  I run up to the top level and immediately slip across the floor right into the tank.  the octopus attacks me and sprays me with ink as the zoo keepers pull me to safety.

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