Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Daily Journal: Think of a fictional character you really like (from a book, movie, or TV show). Craft a story with that person losing the most valuable item to him or her.

Our story starts with the jolly Green giant just awakening from his mid day nap.  He sits up in his jolly green bed and yawns a mighty yawn that shakes over all the nearby trees.  He stands up rubs at his eyes to get all the sleeping pees from the edges.  As he looks around the room.  His glowing golden grapes trophy case catches his eye.  He walks on over to admire his grapes but when he gets there,  THEY ARE GONE!  He doesn't believe his jolly green eyes, how could his most prized possession be gone! He immediately grabs his jolly Green i-phone out of his pocket and dials his arch nemesis The Giant From Up The Bean Stock. 

"FE FI FO FUM! HOW COULD YOU ACCUSE ME OF SUCH A THING" cried the giant from up the bean stock.

The jolly green giant decieded that the other giant was telling the truth and tried to think of where else his grapes could be.  He went outside for a walk to clear his head and brainstorm were they could have gone.  he walked all the way to the nearby kingdom and from outside the walls he hear

"The king is most grateful for these grapes peasant jack, he requests where you got these from"

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