Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The clock winked....

The clock winked and it was suddenly 10 after 12, I was late!  My parents are going to kill me.  It takes 15 minutes to get home from rosemount if i hit every green light, which with my luck right now i will get all reds.  Maybe i can get home and they will be asleep and i can just pretend i was there the whole time.  Thats when the plan hit me.

I would get home,  the only way to get in would be through the garage so i would have to open it and hope it does wake them up.  I would sneak into the kitchen and make myself some spagettio's really fast using the stove since the microwave would wake them up.  I would wait for them to burn to the pot.  Pouring them into a clean bowl and then all of it down the drain.  Plug head phones into the TV and turn the volume up so it would look like i ate while watching it.  Then i would go into their room and wake them up saying i got home and was super hungry so i ate and thats why i was waking them up at 12:30. 

It was the perfect plan.  I hit three red lights and two greens making it home in 23 minutes flat.  I quitely shut the car door and let the crashing of the garage door come down.  I opened the door into my house to find the kitchen light on.  My mom was sitting at the table looking livid.  My stomach hit the floor as i said good bye to the next three weeks of my life.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SciFi rough draft

December 12, 2012

So far so good, the world hasn’t just spontaneously exploded.  After those eight earthquakes in Japan last year we all thought it would be true but I guess not.  School wasn’t even cancelled which kinda sucked. We all coulda used a day off for the coming of the apocalypse.  The war in Africa is about the same as it has been for a year now, dictators killing people and blaming the rebels but it has been like that for all of time hasn’t it?

December 13, 2012

Maybe I was wrong.  Another earthquake rocked the ocean last night.  The tidal wave flatted what was left of Japan which is now the modern Atlantis.  The entire country is now underwater.  Then Mont St. Helena blew her top unexpectedly last night too.  There was no warning so the people in the city down the mountain pretty much all died.  Scientists say that the earthquake over by Japan probably cause an opening for more magma to gush through making it impossible to warn people before it happened.  Throughout the last few months there have been lots of people saying they saw alien space ships in the sky too.  I never gave it much thought because I figured it was just a lot of loons who believed in the 2012 crap.  But last night I think I saw one too.  I was trying to go to sleep and couldn’t so I got up to get some water and that’s when I saw it.  It was about the size of a star in the sky but they moved really fast and they were green.  There were three lights in the figure of a triangle, one in front and two in the back.  It moved faster than any plane that I had ever seen but I had never seen any other planes that commercial ones so maybe it was just a military one.  I am not sure what I saw but I hope I am just making a big deal out of nothing.

December 17, 2012

The last few days have been too chaotic to write in this journal.  The aliens came on the 14th.  They destroyed everything... It’s like a comic book attacked the entire world.  They came in the middle of the day and before any military or diplomatic action could be taken against them they slaughtered us.  They had some kind of heat beam that would just turn people into dust.  We few that have survived found refuge in the subway system.  There isn’t much hope, we have no weapons or way to communicate with people that do.  It is really only a matter of time before they find us and finish what they started.

December 18, 2012

The stench down here is almost worse than just being killed by the aliens.  The reek of human waste fills the entire subway line.  We woke up early this morning with quite the scare, a subway red with fire whipped uncontrollable by running over some people sleeping on the track.  Someone down the line must've tried to escape using it and was shot by an alien.  They screech throughout the night we can hear them.  Some of them must be hundreds of pounds because we can see the earth shake when they walk over our heads.

December 19, 2012

We are out of supplies down here.  No more food or water and people are dying all the time.  Some of the people have resorted to cannibalism but I refuse to sink that low.  I figure even if I do eat another human, eventually I will still starve because there are only so many of us down here in this hole.  We will have to do some kind of recon mission into the top to get water so I nominated myself.  I head up tomorrow during the day since we don’t hear as much noise during the day we think they might sleep then.  Tomorrow we will draw straws to see has to go up and look around.  Whoever has to go will have no way to defend themselves up there they can only run, and they cant run back down here cause they’ll lead them right to the others.  It is a suicide mission really but we don’t have much of a choice we can either die trying or just die.

Over Spring Break I...

Well my spring break started early on friday.  I still had to get up and go to school at normal time but instead of going to first hour i reported to the PAC for my band trip check in.  We left around 8:30 to the airport, checked our suitcases and instuments, and boarded a plane to Newark air port in New York.  In totall there was 127 people going on this trip with the band so we had to split up into four separate flights.  I was on flight one the "senior flight".  We got to the gate and walked onto the plane as our seat numbers were called.  The plane was a "two one" meaning on one side there was two rows of seats and on the other there was just one.  The plane in totall had 51 seats for passengers, the EastView group took up 41 of those seats.  I feel bad for those ten suckers that got put with us.  As soon and we all got aboard we all traded seats so we could sit by all of our friends (much to the displeasure of the other passengers).  We finally got to newark airport and had a two-ish hour layover before our next flight.  Being responsible band students, the directors just let us run free in the airport for those two hours and expected us back in time for the flight to start boarding.  We all showed up on time, filling the air with excited chatter as we waited for boarding the start.  Then some bad new came over the intercom "The flight from Newark the Geniva has been delayed momentarily due to technical difficults with the plane".  It wasn't that much of a delay maybe 20 min. but it seemed like a decade for us highschoolers.  We finally got onto the plane and were pleasantly supprised to see every seat had a TV of its own and free movies and music for us to enjoy on the flight.  We all got into our seats and waited for the plane to take off, anticipation rising as fast as the plane.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Write from the point of view of a spoon inside a dishwasher.

The waves of heat wash over me as i sit there alone.  My life is a nonstop rinse cycle but i cannot wash away the scars of my past.  The water runs down my handle back into the gutter.  It would sear a normal person but i have adapted to the heat.

If you could invent one thing to help mankind, what would it be?

The one thing i would invent would be a everlasting gobstopper that wou;ld give you all the nutritional value of everyday meals.  This would help mankind because we could just mass produce them and give them to kids in africa that are starving.  Then we could end world hunger and only have to worry about global warming.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My scifi project

Imagine you were cryogenicly frozen for 100 years. What would life would be like when you wake up? What new technologies exist? How do people would look and behave? What species are extinct or new (aliens)? Has there been a worldwide disaster? Your story needs to be at least five pages in length and will be due next week.

I am thinking that in one hundred year, Nintendo will be proved right and the world we be full of aggressive wild Pokemon.  I will wake up and be a trainer that needs to collect all of the gym badges and defeat the elite four. 

The Shoe Car

Have you ever wanted to go somewhere in style?  Needed to appear at a buisness meeting driving the most impressive car?  Well i have a product for you!  The Shoe Car!  What would be the advantages to haveing the new car you ask? I will tell you!  Nobody wants to pay those nasty gas prices and here at sheo car co we have solved this world wide problem.  Out car run stictally on shoe shinner and will not run on anything else.  Now you are probably thinking "Well isn't shoe shinner MORE expensive than gas?" and we say "So?".  BUT WAIT! THERE IS MORE!  If you order three shoe cars now on our toll free number we will give you a bottle of shoe shinner FREE of charge!  BUT WAIT THERE IS EVEN MORE!  If you order five shoe cars now you will recieve in the mail a free poster of a shoe car and the free shoe shinner!  All this can be yours for the low price of fifteen payments of 500$.  Just immaging your self in a car that impresses all of your close friends and family!  BUY NOW!

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Journey on a Pirate Ship.

You would expect my journey to be full of battles and glorious hijackings of other ships and i don't get me wrong, those things did happen.  It's just well, most of the time living on a ship with a bunch of rotting people isn't that much fun.  Most of our time is spent just adjusting the sails or swabbing the poop deck, nothing cool happened that often.  Sometimes we would fight amongst ourselves but even that got boring and the fact that by killing that guy we had to pick up all of his duties on the boat.  Not everyone that died on the boat died of fighting.  Sicknesses raged throughout the boat since most of us when on land lived in the slums.  We would have fun in the evenings when all of our duties were finished.  The captain would tell us stories of sea monsters and beautiful women. Or we could rope swing off the boat into the water.  Most of the time we wouldn't be pillaging towns of hijacking boat.  We were just old smelly rotten guys living together on a boat.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


"So as you can see the hugifyer ray is a total success"

This is how Nasa's president started his speech on that fine Thursday afternoon.  The government had been secretly toying with alien technology since the early sixties and we had finally got a piece of equipment to work on an earth animal.  With just one shot of this ray gun the target would grow to be 4 times its normal size.  This had not yet been tested on a human for we do not have the technology to turn them back to normal size.  While we have the alien technology that is used to shrink things back, we have not decoded the programs and are unable to use it.  All alien technologies that the government possesses have been harvested from alien ship crashes.  Most of these ship crashes happen in the Bermuda triangle and are unseen by the public.  There is a lot more alien Tech that we have not learned how to work but the government is trying its hardest to put what we do have to work on the battle field and in the average American home.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

best comic ever

Daily Journal: Think of a fictional character you really like (from a book, movie, or TV show). Craft a story with that person losing the most valuable item to him or her.

Our story starts with the jolly Green giant just awakening from his mid day nap.  He sits up in his jolly green bed and yawns a mighty yawn that shakes over all the nearby trees.  He stands up rubs at his eyes to get all the sleeping pees from the edges.  As he looks around the room.  His glowing golden grapes trophy case catches his eye.  He walks on over to admire his grapes but when he gets there,  THEY ARE GONE!  He doesn't believe his jolly green eyes, how could his most prized possession be gone! He immediately grabs his jolly Green i-phone out of his pocket and dials his arch nemesis The Giant From Up The Bean Stock. 

"FE FI FO FUM! HOW COULD YOU ACCUSE ME OF SUCH A THING" cried the giant from up the bean stock.

The jolly green giant decieded that the other giant was telling the truth and tried to think of where else his grapes could be.  He went outside for a walk to clear his head and brainstorm were they could have gone.  he walked all the way to the nearby kingdom and from outside the walls he hear

"The king is most grateful for these grapes peasant jack, he requests where you got these from"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Papers by the shredder....

The screams of those passed on echo in my head as i sat there at home.  It was really a humble hoe the printer was my neighbor, next to it was the computer monitor, and finally after thatt there was the picture of my masters family.  That day had been a horrific day.  The master had been printing out airplane tickets and something had gone horrible wrong.  Paper after paper was thrown thoughtlessly into the shredder on the other side of the room. Their screams passing through my soul felt like a bucket of ice water.


In truth they had done nothing wrong.  It was never our fault for the master was the one that made mistakes.  In the mill we were taught to be a constant unchanging substance, obedient to any order.  But this master must have attended some public crowded school, for he made more mistakes then i have witnessed anywhere else in the world.

The trip through the printer itself wasn't that bad.  

Monday, March 7, 2011

Marian Bartsch and Joey Catsalgi met on his first day of work...

at the old paper mill just outside Chicago.  Joey had been working here since age 14 and was in charge of Marian’s training.  He started off with the hour long lecture on fire safety regulations and explained what to do in case of emergency.  This would be important to learn first since fires broke out at the mill all the time.  Then they continued around to all the different machinery explained how to operate it and where/when not to put hands and fingers into machines.  He explained the machines like it they were a part of his family.  Since Marian knew Joey before applying to the mill, he knew exactly why he was so familiar with the work.
Joey had grown up downtown Chicago and had many unfortunate encounters with the law.  All throughout school he was in and out of junvy’s and jails.  Having been the only white kid in his neighborhood, he was beat up at least once a week by the local gangs.  But this made him tougher and the right mold for the harsh working conditions at the mill.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Limbs flow in the wind
The trunk is sturdy but still thin
Wood for a woodwind

Friday, March 4, 2011

What would you do on your last day of life with unlimited resources

First i would climb to the top of the tallest building in St. Paul and throw hundreds of dollars off of the top.  Then i would get a homeless guy off the street and give him a pimp suit complete with top hat, cane, and monocle.  then i would go to a hair cut place and pay a lady with long hair to shave just the top of her head so it was still long in the back.  Then i would go to a buy a new TV and smash it before i even got it to my car which i would have stolen off the lot.  The car would've been  brand new mustang and i would just hop in and hot wire it and drive away.  Then i would buy a crappy used car that was for sale, i would pay the guy twice as much as he was asking for it.  I would bring the car to a construction sight and have then dropped it off the highest crane they had on the site.  Then i would eat lunch and take a nap. when i woke up i would eat at the restaurant at the top of the foshay tower and talk about how when my dad was young this was the tallest building in the city.  Then i would dine and dash cause even though i had the money it was more fun than paying.  I would then right my will and give everything i have to Justin Bieber cause even though he is cool now in 2 years everyone will forget him and he will become cracked out like charlie sheen.  hopefully by giving him my endless amount of resources he will be able to keep himself out of drugs

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Toll Road Pot Hole

The road remains silent, hence the toll
Car flowing forward, like a well trained horse
Water gleaming in a single hole

The car snaps down, heads crack, skull on skull
Passengers cringe in remorse
The road remains silent, hence the toll

The car stays constant, but the passengers turn fearful
Ripping around the steering wheel, the passengers change course
Water gleaming in a single hole

Resistance from the car, all it wants is the ol’
Brakes are stomped, stopping it all by force
The road remain silent, hence the toll

The car collapses, it was too full
Too much activity the engine would over heat
Water gleaming in a single hole

More cars will pass, causing the hole to dull
But that one car will already have retreat
The road remains silent hence the tall
Water gleaming in a single hole

Top ten things i have done in life

1.       Being Born
2.       Being confirmed
3.       Accepted to a college I would like to go to
4.       Got great grades all throughout school so far
5.       Thrown a pot on the wheel by myself
6.       Accepted into All State band
7.       Become section leader in marching band
8.       Gone to Washington DC to stay with my bro
9.       Been a part of band in general
10.   Stayed connected with my family

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Etheree Poetry

At the counter.
Stomach thundering.
The thought of food haunting.
Staring down an oven.
The air in the room stands still.
I wait anxiously for a treat.
Scarily loud, the buzzer biz's.
At long last... the cake can now start cooling.
So there i was in the middle of the aquarium, drenched in octopus ink.  It was really kinda silly how i got there, it all started that morning with my alarm going off. It woke me up with a start.  I dont remember what i was dreaming about but i was sweating and really tense.  i sat up in my bed and stretched, twisting left and right.  I hopped out of bed and jumped into the shower.  By the time i got out, i was already 5 minutes behind schedule.... probably would miss the bus if i ate breakfast at home.  I yelled to my mom to throw some bread in the toaster as i scoured my room for clothes to wear.  As i dressed my mom shouted back "you're going on a field trip today, don't forget a...".  The rest of the words were drowned out by the blare of  bus horn at 7 AM in the morning.  I dash down the stairs of my house, jumping  over the last few of them. my mom hands me my toast as i run and i am off to school in no time.  When i arrive my teacher grabs me out of the crowd and leads me onto another bus.  My entire biology class is there and i realize i have a trip to the aquarium today.  When we arrive at the aquarium the first exhibit we look at is the octopus.  There is a lower underwater level and an upper at water level.  I run up to the top level and immediately slip across the floor right into the tank.  the octopus attacks me and sprays me with ink as the zoo keepers pull me to safety.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Peter Beckwith

Peter has a very fun life
Eating foods he likes
Reading stories that he enjoys
Everyday he does these things
Repetitive one might say

But to him to is life
Even if people think it is weird
Could he care any less?
Kinetic thoughts fuel his day
With joy and excitement
Intense moments fill every hours
Tyrannosaurus Rex stomps though his brain
Havoc in sues

Changing the world

I believe that there are a lot of flaws in our world today. If i was able to fix them all these are the ones that i would fix first.

1.       The school system needs a new way of choosing which teachers stay and which ones go
2.       Oil company’s need to stop buying the fuel efficient cars so that the public can have them too
3.       In the Middle East we need to stop people from fighting and create peace
4.       We should form a stable government in all countries so we can all work together easier
5.       We should eliminate crime organizations
6.       Get everyone in the world at least a high school degree will downsize poverty everywhere
7.       By eliminating poverty we can eliminate gang problems
8.       Make scientific advancement to the point where we don’t pollute the air at all
9.       Also advance the way we travel though space so that it is  inhabitable for humans on other planets